Raising awareness: Worst flooding in century in Balkans (Bosnia, Serbia, and also Croatia)

I’m thinking about what to write these two days and just can’t get my mind wrapped around polishes and so called “third world problems”, when I see all the devastation of the floods in Bosnia and Serbia. We were once brothers and sisters with these people, united under Yugoslav’s flag, and it breaks my heart seeing the footages. So this post is going to them, with my best wishes.


There’s flooding in Austria, too, at this time, but it’s not that severe as in those two ex Yugoslav republics. We people are still brothers and sisters, even if the politicians are on different sides. There’s a lot of humanitarian actions going on right now in Slovenia, various materials being collected (clothing, food, drinks, medicine, other sanitary materials) and driven to our neighbours. Despite the financial crisis, that hit Slovenia pretty hard, there’s an unending humanitarian aid happening all around our country when such things happen. I must say I’m proud to be a Slovenian.

Did not hear of these floodings yet? Here’s a video to update you on the situation:

And here’s another one, more recent:


Here’s a pic that can give you a better representation of what’s happening:


Source: Facebook.


How Slovenes are dealing with it:


Photo credit: Tomaž Primožič/FPA, Primorske novice.


(In Slovenian languange below, because it’s for Slovenians. After these two quoptes in English again – please read on for more info on how to help financially, even from foreign countries.)

Kako lahko še pomagamo?

Prispevki prek SMS – Poplave Srbija in BIH

Ponedeljek, 19. maj 2014

Rdeči križ Slovenije je za poplavljena območja v Srbiji in BIH, poleg zbiranja materialne pomoči in prostovoljnih prispevkov preko TRR, vzpostavil tudi zbiranje prostovoljnih finančnih prispevkov prek SMS donacij.

S ključno besedo POPLAVE ali POPLAVE5, ki jo pošljete na 1919, lahko donirate 1 EUR oz. 5 EUR.

Rdečemu križu Slovenije lahko donirate vsi uporabniki Telekoma Slovenije, Izimobila, Debitela, Simobila ter Tušmobila.

Hvala za vašo solidarnost!


Poplave Srbija in BiH

Sobota, 17. maj 2014

“Rdeči križ Slovenije sporoča, da smo že v petek stopili v kontakt z RK Srbija in RK Bosna, ki so jih  prizadele poplave.  Izvajamo vse ukrepe, da bi se prizadetim v tej naravni nesreči čimprej nudilo ustrezno pomoč, zato bomo že v ponedeljek obema organizacijama Rdečega križa na prizadetih območjih nakazali finančno pomoč.
Vse aktivnosti Rdečega križa Slovenije potekajo usklajeno skupaj z Upravo za zaščito in reševanje RS. O potrebi po prostovoljcih in zagotavljanju druge pomoči bomo javnost obvestili takoj, ko bodo sodelavci RK Srbija in RK Bosna sporočili, kakšne so njihove potrebe. Prosimo za razumevanje.”

Boris Plavšič, strokovni sodelavec RKS za pripravljenost in ukrepanje v primeru nesreč

V kolikor bi prizadetim v poplavah želeli s prostovoljnimi finančnimi prispevki pomagati, lahko vaš prispevek nakažete na TRR Rdečega križa Slovenije, Mirje 19, 1000 Ljubljana, ki je odprt pri banki SKB.

SI56 0310-0111-1122-296, SWIFT: SKBASI2X

Koda namena CHAR

Sklic za RK Bosna: 00  937057

Sklic za RK Srbija: 00 937058

Hvala za vašo solidarnost!

Oboje prekopirano s strani Rdečega križa Slovenije.


I tried to find also some source to share on how to aid those countries financially, but there’s no useful links on European Red cross site. Maybe it’s just me and I didin’t manage to find none, but here’s an article I did find and it describes the happening in those countries.

Here’s the Serbian Red cross site with instructions for payments in foreign currencies to support areas affected by floods (the link looks a bit weird though, so if it doesn’t work, go to upper right corner and select “english” and then click “donate now”).

Here’s an urgent appeal for help from Red Cross Bosnia and Herzegovina with informations for payments from foreign countries.

3 responses to “Raising awareness: Worst flooding in century in Balkans (Bosnia, Serbia, and also Croatia)

    • Pedro, much thanks for your information! ❤ I'd like to add that it's really important to get the right information from true sources that we can trust. Red Cross is a publicly known organization we all know and can trust. Thumbs up, people!


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